About me

Hi there! If you are on this page, it probably means that you do not know me yet. So allow me to introduce myself!

My name is Lysiane, and I am a french illustrator and brand designer (you can find some of my works here!). I have been designing brand identities for over 5 years now, and decided in 2022 to finally open this online shop I've always dreamed of.

I grew up in the countryside, and wandered in the fields from a very young age. With no internet till I was fifteen, my hobbies were all nature and art oriented. Not gonna lie, I was the weird kid with rocks and leaves in her pockets, always talking about beetles and butterflies, trying to find stickbugs in the brambles and then coming to school with scratched legs.

I spent all my time in the family orchard, where I could live imaginary adventures to escape a reality that I couldn't handle as a kid. This is why, as an adult, my art is also about mental health recovery, cozy and safe homes, and healing through nature. I want to create comforting, uplifting art to hang on your walls, to help you get through tough times too.

If you want to know more about my daily life and meet my adorable cat Perceval (Persil for friends), follow me on instagram or tiktok!